Natelege Whaley, 26
Brooklyn, N.Y., USA

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

Most recently I ran 3 miles with Nike running club's Home Run. They organize runs in Central Park weekly and my co-workers invited me out. I had not been working out for the majority of the month and so my body struggled from start to finish. However I definitely finished faster than I usually do when I run by myself. At the gym, I usually average 14 minutes a mile. But at the end of the 3 mile, I averaged 12:40 minutes a mile. I'm proud of myself and I look forward to going back. 

Multiple times during my run, I wanted to give up. I started walking then stopping several times and it made me really frustrated. But my editor who was with me and a Nike Pacer waited up for me several times and that was encouraging. 

I think it's important to try new things because it gives you an opportunity to learn something new about yourself. Sometimes you may like something. Other times you may not like something but at least you know. Knowing is better than not knowing. 

I tend to slack in my workouts when I'm getting bored. So running is definitely something I want to ad to my routine.